Smart Event Home > Highlights - Best Reasons to Attend

 Outstanding and comprehensive content
150 presentations selected by 3 program committees will tackle the most relevant issues of e-ID, e-mobility and Smart Security fields:
- The latest trends and technology innovations in their respective fields
- New usages and new market opportunities
- The lessons learned from trials and live roll-outs

 Specific expertise and sharp insights
It is exactly what you ask for: no sales speeches disguised as content, only delivery of specific expertise and sharp insights. Smart Event’s approach of combining scientific and strategic content provides forward-thinking opportunities unavailable elsewhere.

 A proven platform to share knowledge, experiences and visions
Smart Event gathers a targeted audience of innovation decision makers facing similar challenges and eager to exchange with their peers: industry experts and senior executives, distinguished academics, government and local authorities representatives and researchers.

 Interactive conferences format
10 panels and closing discussions are designed to foster exchanges between speakers and with the audience. New this year, the closing discussions at the end of hot topic sessions will allow deeper exploration.

 Unrivalled speaker line up
150+ influential speakers from 120+ organizations worldwide representing the full ecosystems of e-ID, e-mobility and Smart Security: Academia, e Government, Institutions, Standardisation, Research, Integrators/Consultancy, Manufacturer/hardware, Security Solutions Providers, Content Service & Telecoms Operators.

 Tailored attendance
You choose which speakers you want to hear from and tailor your attendance in the 28 sessions according to the most pressing issues relevant to you.

 Multiple networking opportunities
Across the 2.5 days, the 45 minutes breaks for coffee and refreshments, the 1hour and ½ buffet breaks,…are so many privileged contexts for networking with 680+ attendees.

 Private meeting rooms available
Maximise your time at the event with a host meeting.