e-Smart originating from the year 2000 Eurosmart Smart Card Security Conference and Java Card Forum Summer University is one of the most influential conference in the global Smart Card and Digital Security Industry.
Established to focus on Smart Card technology innovations e-Smart has these last years enlarged its scope to cover the entire Smart Security domain. Topics addressed include the ubiquitous cryptology domain, semiconductor for portable appliances, secure embedded software, trusted computing, high-level language programming such as Java Card, security design, implementation, testing and evaluation methodologies, TCP/IP based communication protocols.
This ensures e-Smart to reflect Industry trends and to remain at the cutting edge of security technologies development. In particular the conference is now open to, and collecting world–class security and technology experts from the wireless and contactless industry leaders, research laboratories and universities, industry associations, international standardization organizations, and governmental bodies.
The “e-Smart” Program Committee is expecting proposals from issuers, mobile operators, manufacturers, editors, academics, researchers, standardisation bodies, professional institutions, end-users, consultants, analysts, lawyers…
Submissions through a broad range of topics related from smart card to digital security evolution phases are encouraged and may address one or more of the mentioned topics or others authors believe to be of great interest for the audience.
Hardware & Software advanced ubiquitous cryptography
Formal modeling of environments and applications
Languages, Operating Systems, Virtual machines & Rapid Application Development
Innovations in smart cards and trusted personal devices security
Innovations in security specification, testing, evaluation methods
Innovations in security of governmental and private certification schemes
Contactless and RFID
Java Card 3.0 next Generation
Innovative terminals and trusted device technologies
Secure Operating Systems
Introduction of TCP/IP in portable appliances
DRM technologies
Emerging semiconductor technologies for embedded systems
Innovative micro-packaging technologies
Secure mass storage cards
Cooperative R&D Projects and Platforms |
Smart Secure Devices |
Trusted Personal Devices |
Machine to Machine and Smart Cards |
Prospective authors must submit a short abstract (one A4 page) in the following format:
1. Short, explicit and appealing title
2. Name, function, address, phone, e-mail, and affiliation of all the author(s) of the presentation together with a short description of the author(s)’ expertise.
3. The name of the speaking person (only 1 person is allowed to present)
4. 3 to 5 bullet points (1 line max. each) best summing up your presentation
5. Length of the abstract itself: between 300-500 words (one A4 page).
6. Specify the conference they address to: e-Smart, Smart Mobility, World e-ID.
Submissions must be in PDF format. Submissions not conforming to these formatting instructions risk rejection regardless of their technical merit.
All submissions must be original ones, not previously published elsewhere, publicly presented or submitted in parallel to any other event. They should be informative and impartial. The Program Committees will review all submissions and will reject any commercially-oriented ones.
Submission procedure
Authors are invited to submit their proposals electronically to
If authors do not receive acknowledgment within 72 hours, they are kindly invited to contact directly Lénick Perron – Strategies Telecoms & Multimedia - Phone
Deadline for abstract submission is March 13th, 2009
Decisions and Presentation
Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent to authors on April 30th, 2009.
Authors of accepted papers commit themselves to present their paper at the conference. In case of personal impediment, the speaking person should appoint a substitute speaker.
Speaker’s benefits
The speaking person has the possibility to attend any conference during the whole Smart Event 2009, at a compulsory speaker’s registration rate of €450.
Co-authors also benefit from preferential attendance rates. Speakers’ travel and accommodation expenses are not covered by the organizers.
Proceedings of each conference will be available at the opening of the event. Clear instructions about the proceedings will be sent to the authors of accepted papers.
The organizers commit themselves not to disseminate the presentations before the conferences.
Other important dates
► Official Program Appearance: May 29th, 2009
► Complete presentation for the proceedings: July 30th, 2009