Advances in the Web and mobile technologies offer new and exciting services to users in every walk of life including commerce, business, entertainment, education and science among others. These new developments however introduce many new challenging problems as users demand fast, easy and reliable access to the high volume of web information and services from anywhere, on any device and any platform.
MobiWIS provides a forum for bringing together researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and public sector in an effort to present their research work and share knowledge and experiences of the tools, techniques, technologies, models and methodologies that lead to better information and service provisioning in the mobile Web and information systems. The conference comprises various tracks which feature recent research relating to the theme of the conference. MobiWIS-2012 will be held in conjunction with the 3rd International Conferenceon Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT-2012)
Conference Tracks :
* Context-aware services
* Mobile cloud services
* Data management in mobile web
* Mobile Internet of things
* Mobile web and social networks
* Mobile networks, protocols and applications
* Mobile security, trust and privacy
* Mobile web P2P applications
* Middleware for mobile applications
* Mobile web for social and economic development
* Mobile web searching
* SOA and mobile web information systems
Contact :
Prof. Elhadi Shakshuki
Acadia University Wolfville,
NS Canada B4P 2R6
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