This event is intended to represent a major forum for researchers, engineers and students to present their latest research results and to exchange new ideas and practical experience in the areas of Wireless Technologies
This event is intended to represent a major forum for researchers, engineers and students from all over the world to meet in Palma de Mallorca to present their latest research results and to exchange new ideas and practical experience in the following major areas :
Wireless Communication Systems Wireless Communication Networks Mobile Computing and Applications Cognitive Radio Communications Fourth Generation Wireless Wireless Optical Communications
Related topics will be studied :
4G Applications ;
Trends and Business Issues ;
4G Network Infrastructures ;
Access Network Design ;
Advanced Relay Architectures ;
Aggressive Frequency Reuse ;
Beamforming and Sectorization ;
Channel Estimation and Equalization ;
Cooperative and Opportunistic 4G Technologies ;
Coordinated Multi-Point Processing ;
Femto Base Stations ;
Heterogeneous Computing and Networking ;
Inter-Cell Interference Cancellation ;
Interference Alignment ; LTE Technologies ;
Mobile Internet Devices ;
Multi-Antenna Channel Measurements ;
Position-Aware Communication Technologies ;
Positioning in Cellular Networks ;
WiFi and Dual Mode Devices ;
WiMAX Technologies, etc.
Contact :
Mohammad M. Banat -
Chairman of Mosharaka International Conferences. :
FGW - Fourth Generation Wireless , Du 15 au 17 Juin 2012, à Palma de Mallorca, Espagne, This event is intended to (...) ... [suite] SSS 2012 - 14th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems, Du 1er au 4 Octobre 2012, à Toronto, Canada, The SSS 2012 Symposium is (...) ... [suite]