The European Institute of Innovation and Technology first Governing Board held its inaugural meeting in Budapest.
The first EIT’s Governing Board meeting on 15 September, in the headquarter in Budapest, has marked the official launch of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology activities. Comprising 18 professionals from the worlds of business, research and higher education in Europe, the new board will prepare the launch of the first two to three Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) by the end of 2009. The Governing Board members: CARAÇA João : Director, Science Department, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian; Professor, Science and Technology Policy, Instituto Superior Economia e Gestão CASTELLS Manuel, Dr.: Research Professor, Open University of Catalonia (Barcelona) and University of Southern California (Los Angeles); Former member, Scientific Council of the European Research council (ERC) COLLOMB Bertrand, Dr.: Honorary Chairman, Lafarge, Chairman, Institut des Hautes Etudes pour la Science et la Technologie (IHEST) COLOMBO Giovanni: Adjunct Professor, Politecnico di Torino; Former CTO, Telecom Italia LAB and Head of long-term research, Telecom Italia FLODSTRÖM Anders, Dr. : University Chancellor, Swedish National Agency for Higher Education GOŁĘBIOWSKA-TATAJ Daria, Dr.: Founder and Managing Partner, EMF (Enterprise Management & Finance) Consultancy; Professor/Researcher, Warsaw University of Technology Business School HERRMANN Wolfgang, Dr.: President, Technische Universität München KING Julia Elizabeth: Vice-Chancellor, Aston University; Professor, Materials Engineering; Former Director of Engineering, Marine Business, Rolls-Royce plc LOKTU Morten : Senior vice president, R&D, StatoilHydro ASA MAEX Karen, Dr.: Vice-rector of Science, Engineering and Technology, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (K.U.Leuven); Full Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, K.U.Leuven MAGYAR Bálint, Dr.: Former Secretary of State for Development; Former Minister of Education; Member, Hungarian Parliament MÖLLER Erna, Dr: Executive Director, Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation; Emeritus Professor, Karolinska Institutet; Chairman, Nobel Assembly (2007) NEUVO Yrjö, Dr.: Professor, Research director, Helsinki University of Technology; Former Chairman, ARTEMIS Joint Technology Platform; Former CTO, Nokia SCHUURMANS Martin, Prof. Dr.: Former Executive Vice President, Philips Research / Philips Medical systems (PMS) TROPSCHUH Peter, Dr.:Head of AutoUni, Volkswagen AG VIIK Linnar: Director, Skype Technologies Ltd; Associate Professor and Member of the Board, Estonian Information Technology College VON GABAIN Alexander Ullrich, Dr.: Co-founder, CSO and Member of the Management Board, Intercell AG; Professor of Microbiology, Max Perutz Laboratories, Vienna; Foreign adjunct professor, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm EIT Website :