This exclusive 2nd Annual "marcus evans" Global Submarine Cable Forum will bring together experts in the telecommunication field to share their cutting edge experiences and their future plans. Participants will have a unique opportunity to learn from leading telecommunication companies about next generation networks and cable manufacturing.
There is an increasing demand for data capacity, and with fibre optic cables providing efficiency and stability it is estimated that by 2014 submarine cables will reach maximum capacity causing a slowdown in data transfers. As a consequence it is crucial for the telecommunication industry to lay new cables in the next two years in order to accommodate this ever increasing traffic.
Séminaire IPv6, Le 11 Avril 2012, à Telecom ParisTech., Le G6 organise un séminaire ... [suite] ANTEM 2012, Du 25 au 28 Juin 2012, à Toulouse, The ANTEM Symposium is a (...) ... [suite]