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Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Gildas Avoine is Postdoctorate Fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA), in the Cryptography and Information Security Group. He received a BA in Mathematics and a MA in Computer Sciences from the university of Caen (France), and a PhD in Cryptography from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne.

His researches focus on cryptographic protocols, especially in Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). He published several papers on the adversary model in contactless systems, and papers exhibiting attacks on existing protocols. His recent works address the complexity issues related to key management in large scale applications. Privacy issues in RFID systems is also a subject of concern for him.
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Technical Director - GlobalPlatform
Technical Advisor - Gemalto

Gil's main role with GlobalPlatform is to drive forward the development of GlobalPlatform smart card standards and related technical initiatives. He also acts as the central liaison coordinating the efforts of GlobalPlatform's three Technical Committees (Card, Device and Systems) and their working groups, ensuring that all elements of smart card solutions developed are interoperable and that backward compatibility with previous releases is maintained.

As Technical Advisor in Gemalto, Gil is currently in charge of the road map and partnership management for the issuance solution. In close relationship with the marketing group from the various Business units, Gil monitors a strategic plan for issuance services addressing internal Gemalto requirements as well as external for in-house offers. Previously as senior manager in the Gemalto' Financial and Security Services Business Unit, Gil was responsible for systems architecture and product development for the personalization and smart card management software product line.
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Systems Committee Chair - GlobalPlatform
Leader, System CCSB and System Profile & Scripting Working Group - Datacard

Christophe joined Datacard in 1999 starting in the R&D Department where he is responsible for the architecture and development of corporate smart card personalization software for desktop and high volume issuance systems. By 2001, Christophe became co-leader of the System CCSB and System Profile & Scripting Working Group and by 2004 he was appointed group leader.

Prior to Datacard, Christophe operated as an Independent Software Consultant in France, consulting on the architecture, design and development of IT solutions and software for small and medium sized business. In 1990, Christophe became Technical Director of a company in Paris specializing in custom IT software development and training for large businesses.

Christophe received his Master's Degree in Computer Science from SUPINFO Paris. He currently resides in Minnetonka, Minnesota, USA.
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SMIS Project - INRIA Rocquencourt

Luc Bouganim is a researcher at INRIA Rocquencourt. He obtained in 1996
a PhD from the University of Versailles and worked as an assistant professor from 1997 to 2002 when he joined INRIA. Luc (co-)authored more than 50 conference and journal papers, 1 international patent and was the co-recipient of 5 awards. His past research themes were focused on the core of Database Management Systems (DBMS), in particular on query
optimization and execution. Since 2000, Luc is strongly engaged in research activities on ubiquitous data management and data confidentiality. He is currently the vice-head of the SMIS (Secured and Mobile Information Systems) research team.

This research team has two objectives:
i) to design embedded database components that can match the constraints of
ultra-light devices,like smartcards;
ii) to devise new architectures that preserve data
confidentiality by combining
data encryption with security software embedded in secured chips.
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Mathieu Ciet recieved a Ph.D. degree in applied sciences (cryptography) from the Université catholique de Louvain, in Belgium in 2003. From 2000 to 2003, he worked as researcher in the UCL CryptoGroup and was involved in various European project including the NESSIE (New European Schemes for Signatures, Integrity and Encryption) and Veincheck (biometric access control) projects. From 2003 to 2004, he was with Innova Card as security expert in charge of the security design of a dedicated component for smart card readers and payment terminals. Since 2004, he has been working as R&D senior security engineer for the Security Technology Department of Gemalto SA, the world's leading provider of solutions based on smart card technology. Since 2006, he has been apointed technical leader of the Cryptography and Security Engineering team. This group is dedicated to the implementation of cryptographic libraries and internal product evaluations.

Dr. Ciet is author and co-author of several papers and holds several patents in the field of cryptography and security . He served in several progamm committees. His research interests include cryptography, elliptic curves, smart-card security and implementations.
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Lille University -RD2P

Alexandre Courbot doing his PhD thesis within the LIFL at the University of Lille 1, under the direction of Pr. David Simplot-Ryl and Dr. Gilles Grimaud. His current thesis topic is the extreme customization of Java systems for very restrained embedded devices, and his scientific interests include ubiquitous computing, operating systems, and code analysis and specialization.
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Device Committee Chair - GlobalPlatform
Strategic Advisor to CTO - Orange

Laurent Coureau has more than ten years experience in the telecommunications industry and specifically in mobile operator technologies. Since 2000, Laurent has been a security expert in research and innovation projects at Orange and is currently a strategic advisor to the CTO of Orange. His activities are in the areas of security, the (U)SIM card and the hardware in handsets. As such, Laurent also chairs the 'Trusted environment' definition in OMTP (Open Mobile Terminal Platform). After three years of participating in STIP standards (STIP consortium, and now GlobalPlatform Device Committee), Laurent has been elected to the role of Chairman of GlobalPlatform's Device Committee.
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Department of Information Technology - University of Milan

Ernesto Damiani is a professor at the Department of Information Technology of the University of Milan. He has held visiting positions at several international institutions, including George Mason University, VA (USA), La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, and the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia. Prof. Damiani coordinates research projects funded by the Italian Ministry of Research, the European Commission and private companies including ST Microelectronics, Siemens Mobile and BT Exact.

His research interests include knowledge extraction and protection, secure mobile architecures, software process engineering and soft computing. On these topics he has filed international patents and published more than 80 refereed technical papers in international journals and conferences. He is the Vice-Chair of the IFIP WG on Web Semantics (WG 2.12). He is the author, together with B. Grosky and R. Khosla, of the book ``Human-Centered e-Business'' (Kluwer 2003). In 2000, he was the recipient of ACM SIGAPP Outstanding Service Award.
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Institute for Prospective Technological Studies of Seville Joint Research Center - European Commission

Sabine Delaitre is a Computer Scientist with a Doctorate (since December 2000) in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Management and Risk Management from the Ecole des Mines de Paris and in collaboration with the French Research organisation INRIA at Sophia Antipolis. During the period 2001-2004, she worked on a number of EU-funded projects in areas of computer network security, Knowledge Management for eGovernment, eBusiness and eLearning domains. In July 2004, she joined the ICT unit, IPTS, European Commission's DG JRC. She is currently working on projects related to Cybersecurity activities (Future of Identity, Privacy, Security, Threat and Ambient Intelligence Space) and on FIDIS: Network of Excellence for the Future of IDentity in the Information Society.
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IHP/BTU Joint Lab - Technical University of Cottbus

Jan de Meer did his first Diploma on Electrical Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences in Würzburg (1972), Germany. Later he supplemented it by a Diploma on Theoretical Computer Sciences received from the Technical University in Berlin (1979). Last but not least he received a diploma from the Nautical School of Applied Sciences Kiel Germany (1884).

He begun his academic career at the Hahn-Meitner-Institute for Nuclear Research in Berlin. There, he implemented communication protocols for the institutional data network (one of the first one in Germany). The protocols were based on the early DARPA recommendations. In 1987 he joined the German governmental-funded Research Institute for Mathematics and Applied Informatics (GMD). At GMD he was co-founder of the Open Communication Systems (FOKUS) Research Group which later was transformed into the same-named Fraunhofer
Institute. At FOKUS, he did applied research on the subjects of Distributed Systems, Formal Methods, Quality of Service and Middleware. During this period he was deputy manager of System Engineering Research and manager of EU projects from the R&D programmes ESPRIT, cost11, RACE, ACTS and IST. His research activities enjoyed strong industrial and academic support, such as the IBM Labs in Heidelberg and Toronto, the Boeing Company in
Seattle, Centres of Excellence i.e. CRIM in Montreal and Ottawa and the private University of Aizu in Wakamatsu Japan, Siemens München, and many Universities and SMEs from overall in Europe. Recently he joined as a senior scientist, the Joint Lab at the Technical University of Cottbus (BTU) joined the IHP Leibniz Institute for High Performance Microelectronics in Frankfurt (Oder).
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Gemalto Technology & Innovation Labs

Eric Deschamps is a Research Engineer in the Gemalto Labs. He holds a Masters degree in Computer Science at University of Jussieu, Paris, France. He builds an expertise in TCP/IP, Embedded Systems, security.

Before joining Gemalto in 1998, he was Security Consultant in Sun Microsystems. He joined Gemalto Embedded Systems Labs in year 2001 and since then participates to Java Card Forum specification. He is now focused on Java Card evolution and work for a next generation Java OS for smart card-like devices.
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ICT-Law - K.U.Leuven

Jos Dumortier graduated in Law at K.U.Leuven (1973). After postgraduate studies in Nancy (Centre Européen Universitaire, 1974) and Heidelberg (DAAD, 1975), he became research fellow at K.U.Leuven. In 1981 he finished his Ph.D. in Law with a dissertation on Private International Conflicts of Law. From 1981 to 1992 he worked part-time as a lawyer in a large Brussels law office.

From 1981 until 1983 he studied Information Science (INFODOC) at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. Between 1984 and 1992 he was part-time lecturer in Information Science at the University of Antwerp. In 1985 he became a part-time lecturer and in 1993 a full-time Professor in Law and IT at K.U.Leuven. In 1990 he co-founded the Interdisciplinary Centre for Law and ICT and was the Centre's first Director (www.icri.be).

From 1991 to present he has been active in lecturing, research and consultancy in the area of Law and ICT, and he has published several books and articles on this subject. Prof. Dumortier is the editor of the International Encyclopedia of Cyberlaw (Kluwer International Publishers) and editorial board member of many other specialized publications.

Prof. Dumortier is regularly working as an expert for the Belgian federal government, the Flemish government, the European Commission and several national and international organisations on issues relating to Law and ICT.

Prof. Dumortier works part-time for the Brussels law firm LAWFORT (http://www.lawfort.be).
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London School of Economics and Political Science

Computer Engineer (BSc and MSc). Worked in Telecommunications industry in the UK and the Netherlands. She has been also a Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP). She has a strong technical and managerial background in the Internet and Telecoms business. Currently studying at the PhD programme at the Information Systems Department at the LSE.

Area of specialization: Mobility. Her particular area of interest is the the changes in working practices that mobile technology presents to mobile workers challenging their definitions of identity and trust relationships at work. She has published a number of papers in her field of research and a book chapter in "Agile Information Systems". She has also worked for the Digital Business Ecosystem (DBE) project defining the Knowledge Base of Regulatory Issues for establishing trust in SMEs for e-business, her business experience has been appreciated by the the Media and Comunications Department at the LSE partner on this project that belong to EU-FP6.
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Gemalto Technology & Innovation Labs

Antoine Galland is research engineer with Gemalto Technology and Innovation Labs. For 6 years, he has been working within the Gemalto Labs which conducts the R&D activities in smart card operating systems, solutions and services. He was involved in designing next-generation smart card operating system. He holds a Ph.D. in computer science. He has authored and co-authored numerous papers and patents encompassing Java and .NET virtual machine, mobile code, security and resources control in smart card.
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Mr. (Dr.) Nikolaos Georgantas received his degree in 1996 and his Ph.D. in 2001, both in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece. He is currently junior research scientist of INRIA with the ARLES research group at INRIA-Rocquencourt, France. His research interests relate to distributed systems, middleware, ubiquitous computing systems and service & network architectures for telecommunication systems. He currently works on ad hoc system interoperability in service-oriented pervasive computing environments based on semantic technologies. He is or has been involved in a number of European projects (ACTS EXODUS, ACTS ACCORD, IST Ozone, IST Amigo) and several industrial collaborations with the Greek and the French industry.
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Executive Director, GlobalPlatform
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Card Committee Chair - GlobalPlatform
Senior Smart Card Systems Architecture - IBM Card Specifications

Klaus Gungl has over twenty years of experience in the smart card industry designing and implementing embedded microcontroller systems. He has been an integral part of the Card Committee since its inception in 1999 and also has acted as Vice-Chair for the last two years. He has been a very active leader of the Public Key Infrastructure task-force for v2.2 of the Card Specification and Card Compliance working groups.

At IBM Global Services, Klaus is a Senior Smart Card Systems Architect. His extensive knowledge and background spans from real time control systems to secure Operating Systems (OS) implementations for smart cards.

From 1997 until 2001 Klaus worked as a technology consultant to VISA, delivering significant contributions to the development of the Open Platform (now GlobalPlatform) card specification and participating in the development of the Java Card specification.

Starting 2002, Klaus was assigned by IBM to further develop the GlobalPlatform and JavaCard" specifications. Besides his commitment in serving several GlobalPlatform technical task forces and his involvement in IBM smart card customer projects, Klaus
has presented and promoted several multi-day GlobalPlatform seminars in the Asia Pacific area at the VISA International business school in Singapore since 2000.
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Director - Accenture Technology Labs Europe

Dr. Martin Illsley is Director of Accenture Technology Labs Europe. He is an expert on all aspects of emerging technologies and technology innovation, including identifying strategic technology trends, their business implications and applied research and development.

As Director of the Labs, Martin leads Accenture's European technology R&D organization whose mission is to turn technology innovation into business results. He heads up the Labs' team enabling organizations across all industries to access innovative, patent-protected technology solutions and prototypes to help them enhance their business performance.

Often quoted in the media in publications such as The Financial Times, Information Week, Computing, Retail Week Store of the Future, The Guardian, Martin is sought out for his provocative points of view on technology trends and his visionary presentations.

Since joining Accenture in 1991, Martin has worked with many clients from some of the world's largest companies across a wide range of industries advising C-level executives on new technologies and innovation. Martin has worked on identifying business implications of many technologies ranging from mainframe, batch and legacy systems through ecommerce and multimedia to silent commerce and intelligent systems.
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Valerie Issarny got her PhD and her "habilitation a diriger des recherches" in computer science from the University of Rennes I in 1991 and 1997, respectively. She is currently "Directrice de recherche" at INRIA, working at the Rocquencourt research unit. Since 2002, she is the head of the INRIA ARLES research team, which investigates solutions to architecture-based development of ambient intelligence systems. Her research interests relate to distributed systems, software architectures, mobile systems and middleware, with a special focus on solutions enabling the ambient intelligence and/or pervasive computing visions. She has published numerous technical papers in the area of distributed systems and software engineering, and has been involved in a number of European and industrial projects. She is in particular currently coordinating the IST PLASTIC project on providing dependable and adaptive service technology for pervasive information and communication, and she is contributing to the IST Amigo project on ambient Intelligence for the networked home environment. She is further chairing the executive committee of the AIR&D consortium on Ambient Intelligence Research & Development.
See http://www-rocq.inria.fr/arles/members/issarny.html for more detail.
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Amigo project coordinator - Philips

Maddy D. Janse joined Philips in 1987 as a specialist in User System Interaction. In this function she worked at the CFT, at the IPO (Institute for Perception Research, a joint venture between Philips Research and the Technical University of Eindhoven) and Philips Research. Her main research interests are in the area of human factors, human perception and behaviour, user interface design for easy access and interaction for consumer systems. She was involved in the ACTS SMASH and STORit projects and in the ESPRIT project FOCUS. She has been working on methodologies for subjective evaluation of advisory systems for video content. She has been the project manager for the IST NexTV and ICE-CREAM projects, and the IBC Common demonstrator projects. She has been and is an active member in the SSA's AVISTA and NEMi. Since 1998 she has been actively involved with the organisation of a two-year postgraduate Master's programme in User-System Interaction at the Eindhoven University of Technology, first as the curriculum manager and currently as the Managing Director. Before joining Philips she worked at the Unisys Company (then Sperry) in an Advanced Systems Group in Minneapolis (US) responsible for technology transfer between the company and the MCC organisation in the area of artificial intelligence, expert systems and advanced user interface technology (1983-1987). She has a PhD in Cognitive Psychology - human problem solving (University of Minnesota, 1983) and a graduate degree in Food Chemistry and Technology (University of Wageningen, NL).
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Philips Research Labs

Tom Kevenaar received his MSc and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering in 1986 and 1993, respectively, both from the Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands. After obtaining his PhD degree, he went to Hitachi Central Research Labs in Tokyo, Japan where he worked on numerical optimisation methods for the design of analogue circuits. In 1996 he joined Philips Research in the Netherlands to work on a wide range of simulation tools for the design of analogue and RF circuits. In 2001, still with Philips Research, he started working on low-power cryptographic algorithms and standards and a bit later joined the work on robust key extraction from and privacy protection of biometrics.
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Institute of Information Systems - Humboldt University, Berlin

Michael Klafft studied industrial engineering at Linköping University, Sweden, and Darmstadt Technical University in Germany where he graduated in 2002. In 2003 and 2004, he worked for the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation in Stuttgart, Germany. His topics of research included, among others, applications of mobile devices in a production environment. Since January 2005, Mr. Klafft has been working for the Institute of Information Systems at Humboldt University, Berlin. His current areas of interest comprise location based services and privacy issues in ubiquitous computing.
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K.U. Leuven

Eleni obtained her law degree at the University of Athens in 2002 (magna cum laude) and in 2004 she obtained at the same University a Masters degree in Public Law (summa cum laude). In the academic year 2004-2005 she attended the Postgraduate Study Programme in Legal Informatics (Rechtsinformatik) of the University of Hanover (EULISP) with a scholarship from the Greek State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) and she obtained her LL.M (magna cum laude). During the Summer Term 2005 she came to the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven as an exchange student.

During her studies Eleni worked as a scientific collaborator at the Diplomatic and Historical Archive of the Greek Ministry for Foreign Affairs and at the legal department of the Greek Council for the Refugees (United Nations High Commission for Refugees), as well as a tutor of Public and European Law at a private tuition centre.

Eleni joined ICRI in summer 2005, where she conducts research in the field of electronic Communications (IBBT-ISBO Quality of Experience) and is partly involved in the European project FIDIS (Future of Identity in the Information Society). At the same time she is working on the submission of her PhD proposal.
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Biometrics Expertise Group

Michiel Kraak is working as an independent consultant in the field of Innovation Management and specialises in biometrics as an associate of the Biometric Expertise Group.
In his definition, Innovation Management encompasses the business aspects of front-running and break-through technologies, including business planning en development, corporate structure and finance and intellectual property rights.
Currently he advises several members from the industry and the central and local government in The Netherlands on the business application of biometrics. Among them is the City Council of Amsterdam, where he acts as the project manager of a project where face recognition is used to defend entrepreneurs and the public from shoplifters.
Formerly, he has been the CEO of Dartagnan Biometric Solutions and a board member of Joh. Enschedé, a Dutch security printing company.
Dr. Kraak holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering of Delft University of Technology.
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University of Malaga

Antonio Maña received his PhD degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Malaga, where he is currently Associate Professor of Software Engineering in the Computer Science Department. His current research activities include security and software engineering, information and network security, application of smart cards to digital contents commerce, software protection, Digital Rights Management and mobile applications. He has been technical manager in several EU funded research projects. He has served the European Commission as expert for the evaluation of IP, STREP, CA and SSA proposals of the VI Framework program. He has published research papers in numerous scientific conferences and journals, and regularly participates in the organization of research events.
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Pierre Paradinas is Professor at Cnam (Paris) and owned the "chair of Embedded and Mobile Systems".

He received a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Lille (France) in 1988 on smart cards and health application.

He was one of the Biocarte founders; this company was involved in the design, development and distribution of patient cards.

Pierre Paradinas joined Gemalto in 1989, and was successively researcher, internal technology audit, Advanced Product Manager and launched the card based on Data Base engine (CQL), Director of a common research lab with universities and National Research center (RD2P). He set up the Gemalto Software Research Lab in 1996. He was
also appointed technology partnership Director in 2001 and based in California until June 2003.

He was the Gemalto representative in W3C, ISO/AFNOR, Open Card Framework and Java Community Process, co-editor of the part 7 of ISO7816, director of the European funded project Cascade project where the first 32-Risc microprocessor with Java Card was issued.

Pierre Paradinas owns 18 years of experience in smart cards technology and is deeply involved in the technology and research of smart cards, as program committee member (Chair of the CARDIS'04) and expert for European Commission and French government. He is just appointed as President of ASF : Association ACM-SIGOPS de France.
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Based in Austin, Texas, USA, Sylvain Prevost joined Gemalto in 1999. He holds an opto-electronic engineering diploma, laser/plasma major, from PolyTech-Orleans.
Active member of the Java Card Forum, he has been involved in numerous smart-card aspects encompassing banking, mobile-com, corporate, cryptography, biometry, operating systems, on-card verifiers, Java Card and .Net virtual machines. He has authored and co-authored numerous patents.
He's currently the R&D lead engineer for the .Net smart card program within Gemalto.
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UCL University of Louvain-la-Neuve

Jean-Jacques Quisquater is professor of cryptography and multimedia security at
the Laboratory for Microelectronics (DICE), Department of Electrical Engineering,
Catholic University of Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, where he is responsible of
many projects related to smart cards, to secure protocols for communications,
digital signatures, payTV, protection of copyrights and security tools for electronic
commerce, including the most theoretical and mathematical aspects to the applied ones.
He is responsible for the well-known group "UCL Crypto Group" (14 PhD students, 5 postdocs).

From September 2001 till September 2004, he was the head (director) of the Microelectronics Laboratory at UCL (department of electricity). See the web site of his group at http://uclcrypto.org. He published about 170 scientific papers and 20 patents including the well-known GQ protocol used by millions of computers in the world (Netware). Since 1980 he is working in the field of the security for smart cards (first smart card with DES, first smart card including a coprocessor for RSA). 1970-1991: scientist at the research laboratory of Philips (Brussels, next Louvain-la-Neuve) . Head of the cryptologic research group (7 persons).

- "chaire Francqui au titre belge" for 2000-2001 (invited by FUNDP), - Montefiore prize 2000 (given only each 5 years to an international scientist),
- doctorate honoris causa (2003) at the University of Limoges, France by the department of mathematics,
- "chaire Pierre de Fermat" (Toulouse) for 2004-2006,
- research director of CNRS (France, 2004),
- IFIP TC-11 Kristian Beckman Award (2004) for important contributions to computer security...
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Gemalto Technology & Innovation Labs

Antoine Requet is a Research Engineer with Gemalto Technology and Innovation Labs. He is the main architect of the Gemalto's Smart .NET Server Platform that was awarded with a "Sesames" award at CARTES 2005 (November 2005).

With over 7 years extensive experience on smart cards technology and formal methods he has received patents for his contribution to research in smart card operating systems.
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University of Frankfurt (Germany)

Denis Royer was born in Germany in 1977. He completed his master in computer science and business administration in 2003 at the University of Technology at Braunschweig (Germany). From 2000 to 2001 he studied information systems and business administration at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, Nebraska (USA). Since 2004 he is a researcher at Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt, Germany. At the chair for Mobile Commerce and Multilateral Security, he works on the economic evaluation of mobile identity management systems in the context of the European research project FIDIS (Future of Identity in the Information Society).
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Pawel Rotter is currently working at the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies of the European Commission's Joint Research Centre, doing research on Privacy and Identity in the Information Society, Radio Frequency Identification and Biometrics. He is also an assistant professor at the Automatics Department of the AGH-University of Science and Technology in Krakow where his research are related to computer image analysis (object matching, image understanding using model objects and relations, image retrieval) and automatic control. Prior to this he was working at the Artificial Intelligence and Information Analysis Laboratory of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Traffic Control and Management Laboratory of the Krakow University of Technology. He has PhD degree in Computer Science (thesis on application of multicriteria optimisation to image interpretation, completed with honours) and MSc in Electronics and Telecommunication.
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Gemalto Technology & Innovation Labs

Olivier Rouit is a software architect with Gemalto Technology and Innovation Department. Olivier has been working for 10 years with Gemalto designing Windows applications integrating smartcards with Microsoft technologies such as COM and .NET. For the passed two years he was working at the integration of the SIM card in the EAP authentication to secure the access to WiFi networks. He recently joined the .NET card group and is actively involved in the design and development of a portable STS in order to interoperate with the InfoCard initiative of Microsoft.
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Lille 1 University (France)

David SIMPLOT-RYL received the Graduate Engineer degree in computer science, automation, electronic and electrical engineering, a MSc and PhD degrees in computer science from the University of Lille, France, in 1993 and 1997, respectively. In 1998, he joined the Fundamental Computer Science Laboratory of Lille (LIFL), France, where he is currently professor. He receives the Habilitation degree from University of Lille, France, in 2003. His research interests include sensor and mobile ad hoc networks, mobile and distributed computing, embedded operating systems, smart objects, RFID technologies. Recently, he mainly contributes to international standardization about RFID tag identification protocols in partnership with Gemalto and TagSys companies. He writes scientific papers, book chapters and patents and he received Best paper award at 9th Intl. Conference on Personal Wireless Communications (PWC 2004). He is managing editor of Ad Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks: An International Journal (Old City Publishing). He is currently associate editor of International Journal of Computers and Applications (Acta Press), International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing (Inderscience) and International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (Taylor & Francis). He is also guest editor of several special issues: IEEE Network Magazine (IEEE Communication Society), Ad Hoc Networks Journal (Elsevier), International Journal on Wireless Mobile Computing (Inderscience), International Journal of Computers and Applications (Acta Press), International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, and IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (IEEE Computer Society). He was also chair or co-chair for international workshops at IEEE Int. Conf. on Distributed Computing and Systems ICDCS 2004-2005 (WWAN 2004-2005), International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems ICPADS-2005 (SaNSO 2005) and 2nd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems IEEE MASS 2005 (LOCAN 2005). He is program committee member at a number of international conferences and workshops, such as WLN 2003-5, IFIP MOBIS 2004-5, IEEE MASS 2004, WONS 2005-6, ICPADS-2005, UISW 2005, MED-HOC-NET 2005, AINA 2006 and RTNS'2006. He is scientific leader of the POPS research group, common project of LIFL/CNRS and INRIA Futurs. He is scientific coordinator of the national CNRS project RECAP on sensor and self-organizing networks.
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CEO Biometric Expertise Group
CEO European Biometrics Forum

After a career as entrepreneur in the not-for-profit sector Max Snijder became one of the pioneers of biometrics in the Netherlands. After several years of extensive experience with numerous biometric projects like Privium at Schiphol Airport, he founded the Biometric Expertise Group in 2004 with the purpose of bringing together the fragmented knowledge and experience in the field of biometrics. His network of experts cover all relevant areas of biometrics, from strategic to operational, from legal to technical.

As an expert himself he is involved in several projects and consortia, ranging from passports and visa to large scale watch list applications and physical access control. Today, Max Snijder is involved in the key areas of the biometrics business. On European level he is involved in numerous workshops, committees and expert groups. As independent consultant he is frequently being hired to review, supervise and monitor projects that involve biometrics. He works for several European member states' governments as well as for the European Commission. Max Snijder is member of several high level bodies, like the Consortium on Security and Technology of the EastWest Institute, The Porvoo Group and CEN Working Group on Integrated Border Management. As CEO of the European Biometrics Forum he is chairman of the International Biometrics Advisor Council.

Having a broad knowledge about the market for biometric technologies and applications he is increasingly involved in the business aspects of biometrics, meaning creating and assessing business plans, providing strategic business consultancy to industrial players and venture capitalists and accompanying mergers and acquisitions.
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Josef Stefan Institute (Slovenia)

D. Trcek is a principal researcher at Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia. He is also Assoc. Prof., lecturing at Jozef Stefan International Postgraduate School, Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences, University of Ljubljana and PeF, University of Primorska.

He has been involved in the field of computer networks and IS security and privacy for almost fifteen years. He has taken part in various European research and application projects, as well as domestic projects in government, banking and insurance sectors. His bibliography includes over one hundred titles. His interests include e-business, security, trust management,
privacy and human factor modeling.

D. Trcek has served (and still serves) as a member of various international boards, from editorial to professional ones. He is also a member of IEEE. He is inventor of a family of light-weight cryptographic protocols for authentication and key exchange (patent pending).
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University of Twente

Raymond Veldhuis was born in The Netherlands in 1955. He received his engineer degree in Electrical Engineering in 1981 from the University of Twente, The Netherlands. From 1982 until 1992 he worked as a researcher at Philips Research Laboratories in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, in various areas of digital signal processing, such as audio and video signal restoration and audio source coding. In 1988 he received the PhD degree from the Radboud University in Nijmegen, The Netherlands, on a thesis entitled Adaptive Restoration of Lost Samples in Discrete-Time Signals and Digital Images. From 1992 until 2001 he worked at the IPO (Institute of Perception Research), Eindhoven in speech research. From 1998 until 2001 he was programme manager of the Spoken Language Interfaces research programme. He is now an associate professor at the University of Twente in Enschede, The Netherlands, working in of biometrics, pattern recognition, and image signal processing.

He has published over 70 papers in international conferences and journals and has 20 patents in the field of sound, image and speech processing. He is also co-author of the book An Introduction to Source Coding, Prentice Hall, and author of the book Restoration of Lost Samples in Digital Signals, Prentice Hall.

His expertise involves digital signal processing for audio, images and speech; statistical pattern recognition and biometrics.

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Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg

Research interests: Privacy in information systems, identity management

- 2003: 3. prize doIT Software-Award 2003 of Federal State Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany
- since 2001: Ph.D. student at the Institute of Computer Science and Social Studies, Department of Telematics, Albert-Ludwig University of Freiburg, Germany
- 1993-2000: Diploma of computer science (major) and economics (minor) at the University of Saarland, Germany

- Coordinator of Priority Programme "Security in Information and Communication Security" of German Research Foundation (DFG)
- Coordinator of FIDIS work package to "Privacy in Business Processes" supported by the European Union
- Coordinator of German Society for Computer Science (GI), Region Suedbaden
- Member of ACM, GI and IEEE

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University of Malaga

Mariemma I. Yagüe received her BSc and MSc degrees in Computer Engineering from the University of Granada (Spain) in 1990 and 1992, respectively. After working at the University of Vigo from 1993 until 1996, she joined the Department of Computer Science at the University of Málaga (Spain) in 1996 where she received her PhD degree in Computer Science.

Her main research activities are primarily in the area of metadata and security on distributed information systems. More specifically, access control, authorization, digital rights management (DRM) and semantic modeling. The application of semantic information to the field of access control resulted on the development of a new access control scheme, the Semantic Access Control Model (SAC) as her Ph.D. work. She is very involved in several national and international research projects and NoEs, and is member of the CEN/ISSS Digital Rights Management Working Group, RETISTIC - Red temática española de investigación en el campo de la seguridad de las tecnologías de información, CRIPTORED Ibero-American Thematic network on Cryptography and Information Security, among others. She participates in the organization of different events, this year including the First International Workshop on Technological & Security Issues in Digital Rights Management EuDiRights'06 (in conjunction with ESORICS'06), the Fourth International Workshop on Security In Information Systems (WOSIS-2006), and the Smart University'06 DRM module. She is also member of important Security related conferences Program Committees and some editorial advisory board journals.