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Security and legal aspects of
Digital Rights Management

(1 day and a half, starting on 21 after lunch)

Nowadays digital rights management is of the greatest concern for content owners and distributors due to peer-to-peer file sharing and piracy over the Internet. Rights enforcement involves an access decision about a resource subject to intellectual property rights. Therefore, the first step in successful Digital Rights Management is to be able to describe Rights and Obligations in a manner that is widely understood. Besides the expression of rights offers and agreements, digital rights management also includes a variety of issues such as content protection, auditing tasks, privacy and anonymity, copyright-law, robust identification of digital content and interoperability and usability aspects.

The objective of this module is to present both, theoretical and practical, security and legal aspects of DRM, as well as emerging standards and experimental infrastructures for DRM. Additionally, special emphasis will be devoted to specific scenarios where issues such as privacy and intellectual property rights protection are crucial, such as e-health, e-government along with the more popular scenario of online content services.

Sept. 21

" 14.00 15.30: Legal Aspects of DRM - The Regulatory Framework in the EU
Jos Dumortier, ICT-Law, K.U.Leuven (Belgium)

" 15.30 17.00: Open discussion

Sept. 22

" 9.00 10.30: Rigths Expression Languages
Mariemma I. Yagüe, University of Malaga (Spain)

" 11.00 12.30: DRM Technologies and standards
Denis Trcek, Josef Stefan Institute (Slovenia)

" 14.00 15.30: Architectures and Frameworks for DRM
Ernesto Damiani, Dept. of Information Technology, University of Milan (Italy)

" 15.30 17.00: Application Scenarios: E-Health, E-government, online contents services
Jan de Meer, IHP/BTU Joint Lab at the Technical University of Cottbus (Germany)