 Rules of the Competition
 Events Visibility
 Marketing Plan
 Media Plan
 Winning Teams


Since 1999 and 2001 "SIMagine" and "e-gate Open" contests have rewarded worldwide JavaTM developers (students, researchers and professionals) to "free their spirit of invention" across projects selected for their innovation, marketing appeal and user-friendliness. As a media fully associated to this enterprise you will benefit from important returns in terms of image, recognition and impact.


1/ Prestige and recognition:
Since 1999 and thanks to their partners and sponsors more than 900 creative teams of contestants from 32 countries over 5 continents have participated to both SIMagine and e-gate Open worldwide contests.

Each year more than 90 000 euros of prizes reward the winning teams. International high tech companies like Axalto, China Unicom, Cingular, Samsung, ST Microelectronics, Sun microsystems, Telcel, Telefonica Moviles, TIM, & lead and participate to these programmes. Join them, now !

2/ Live events visibility:
As a partner of both contests your media is present on major worldwide smart card and wireless oriented events:
- "Cartes 2004" November 2-4, 2004, Paris-France
- "3GSM World Congress" February 14-17, 2005, Cannes-France
- "CTIA" March 14-16, 2005, New Orleans-USA
- "Communic'Asia 05" June 2005, Singapore
- "Java One" June 2005, San Francisco-USA
During these main shows your media (publication, logo) appears on the contest spot on Axalto booth.

You also have the opportunity to access the innovative projects developed by contestants. As a jury member, you assess the finalists projects and get a strong visibility at the award ceremony and gala dinner.

3/ Media impact:
Your media is associated to all the communication and promotion campaigns.

Press ads will appear to promote the contests in many countries like China, USA, India ... The same will occur on many portals and media websites inserting your logo and a link to your site.

More than 2 000 individual e-mailings to previous and new potential candidates will include the media partners logotypes.

Finally the media partners and sponsors logos will be associated to all the printed materials: results brochures, awards ceremonies invitations, booths displays &


As a media partner you will not be charged any financial participation.
Through the barter deal established with the "Spirit of Invention Initiative" you commit to actively promote both "SIMagine" and "e-gate Open" contests in your media including the 2005 winners and the previous steps leading to them:
- Announcement of both contests in the events diary (printed and electronic version)
- Insertion of both logos on your website with a link to the websites
- Advertising space for contests
- editorial coverage presenting the contests, the winning applications, the finalist teams, the awards gala & from SIMagine and e-gate Open 2005.