Renan Abgrall has been working for Oberthur Card Systems for 7 years after a first experience within Cegetel France.
He started as Java Card developer then became Mobile Commerce consultant before moving to the marketing team as applications marketing manager.
He is now product manager for the new generation of (U)SIM applications involving new technologies such as BIP or J2ME.
He is also responsible for defining standardisation strategy and coordinating Oberthur Card Systems delegates attending to standardisation bodies (OMA, SUN JCP, JCF, 3GPP, ETSI&) and industry associations (GSMA, SIM alliance and WLAN Smart Card Consortium).
Asad Ali is a senior engineer at Axalto and is currently working on next-generation smart card products. His research interests include smart card application frameworks and network security protocols.
PhD student in the Formal Methods and Security group of Axalto since October 2002. She works on the formal verification of embedded operating systems, using computer aided source code verification, combined with high level modelling and security proofs. She also worked on the verification of Java Card applet isolation, such as the confidentiality and the integrity properties.
Segment Marketing - Renesas Technology Europe
Néda started her career for Schlumberger in Embedded System & Signal Processing within several Development Centers in Europe & US. Since 2000, she joined Renesas Technology (former Hitachi semiconductor) in the smartcard domain & she is in charge of marketing for Secure MultiMediaCard in Europe. She also represents Renesas at JavaCard Forum.
Vicente Benjumea received his BSc and MSc degrees in Computer
Engineering from the University of Malaga, where he is currently lecturer and
PhD Student of the Computer Science Department. His current research
activities include Digital Rights Management, privacy and electronic voting
As Senior R&D Manager for Gemplus, Gil BERNABEU is currently Technical Advisor mainly in multi application personalization and smart card management solutions.
Before that, and since he joined Gemplus in 1999, Gil BERNABEU worked in engineering management and software development for the corporate personalization organization, supervising 15 Gemplus personalization centers worldwide. These centers handle orders from Telco, healthcare and financial customers around the world. This corporate position gave him a wide experience of market requirement for personalization services.
Gil BERNABEU serves as Systems Committee Chairman in GlobalPlatform since 2003.
Prior to Gemplus, Gil BERNABEU worked for a software system integrator. Nine years of working in association with major industrial or manufacturing companies have provided Mr. BERNABEU with a broad experience in early IT technology adoption, such as object-oriented design and distributed technology in a real production environment. He supports two projects that have received awards from the Object Management Group (OMG). His most recent role has been to develop a technology offer and an associated business line.
Jean-Paul Billon, director Software Architecture in the Smart Cards Advanced Research Division of Schlumberger, is the incorporator of the Small Terminal Interoperability Platform (STIP) Consortium (, and is president and chairman of this Consortium since its creation in April 2000. He is also the chairman of GlobalPlatform Device Committee since March 2002 ( His action in the Device Committee has led to the new GPD 2.0 specification that results of a common effort with STIP Consortium and completes the STIP specification. In addition, Jean-Paul Billon chairs the JEFF workgroup of J Consortium ( JEFF is a new format for Java programs that allows dramatic economies of dynamic memory when executing Java programs on small devices. JEFF is now an ISO standard.
Jean-Paul Billon joined Bull CP8 in 1998, that eventually becomes part of Schlumberger. Jean-Paul Billon has managed, in California, the CP8 Java Terminal team from 1998 to end 2000. This team collaborated to the first studies and experimentations of Java configurations for very small embedded devices. For this pioneering work he received an award at JavaOne Conference in 1999. In the same time, he has been acting as consultant for Visa International. Jean-Paul Billon has been CTO of Cardsoft Inc. in 2000 and 2001 before coming back to Schlumberger Smart Cards Advanced Research division.
Before joining CP8, Jean-Paul Billon worked in France in various research and management positions for the Bull Corporate Research Center from 1982 to 1996 and from 1996 to 1998 for Dyade, a joint venture between Bull and the French governmental research institute for computer science, the INRIA. Specialist of Artificial Intelligence and formal methods, Jean-Paul Billon has also been teaching Artificial Intelligence and Automated Theorem Proving in Ecole centrale of Paris and Ecole Supérieure dElectricité of Metz from 1984 to 1990. He received the Bull innovation award in 1988 for a new algorithm of automated demonstration that proved very effective for validating computer chips. Since 1996, Jean-Paul Billon has oriented his activity toward security and software architecture for embedded devices and smart cards.
Eddy BERNARD is a graduate of the Electronics and Telecommunications Engineer Institute of Grenoble (ENSERG/INPG) as Electronics and Signal Processing engineer. He started working in the company Axalto in 1999 as software validation engineer in the mobile communication division of smart card department. He has been in charge for 3 years the validation of GSM and 3GPP compliant products.
He was then responsible of test plans redaction, tests design and test process definition for internal validation teams. He started to work with the LIFC in 2000 in the framework of a research partnership related to the automatic tests generation from formal models. Now working as an internal security adviser in the mobile communication R&D division, he is still working with the Leirios Technologies company to contribute to the improvement of the formal tests generation technology."
Fraidy Bouesse, was born in Pointe Noire (Congo) in 1975. In 2000, he received his engineering degree in electronics at USTHB University Algiers (Algeria). He is currently a Ph.D. student at Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble working with the CIS group at Tima Laboratory. His research interests include asynchronous design, integrated cryptography and circuits' security.
Luc Bouganim is a researcher at INRIA Rocquencourt. He obtained in 1996 a PhD from the University of Versailles and worked as an assistant professor from 1997 to 2002 when he joined INRIA. Luc (co-)authored more than 40 conference and journal papers, 1 international patent and was the co-recipient of 3 awards. His past research themes were focused on the core of Database Management Systems (DBMS), in particular on query optimization and execution. Since 2000, Luc is strongly engaged in research activities on ubiquitous data management and data confidentiality. He is currently the vice-head of the SMIS (Secured and Mobile Information Systems) research team. This research team has two objectives: i) to design embedded database components that can match the constraints of ultra-light devices, like smartcards; ii) to devise new architectures that preserve data confidentiality by combining data encryption with security softwares embedded in secured chips.
Deputy Director - Defense Manpower Data Center
Mr. Brandewie currently serves as the Deputy Director, Defense Manpower Data Center, field activity reporting to the Office of the Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness). As Deputy Director, he is responsible for oversight of the largest and most comprehensive automated personnel data base in DoD, management of a dozen major operational DoD programs, supervision of a multi-disciplinary staff of approximately 500, and administration of the Monterey office. Recently, Mr. Brandewie has led DMDC efforts: to redesign the Department's benefits and entitlements database; to develop and field a Non-Combatant Evacuation Operations (NEO) tracking system; to develop and field an identification card and biometric based force protection system; and to design and develop the Common Access Smartcard as the new DoD identification card.
Mr. Brandewie received an M.A. in Administrative Sciences from Yale University in 1972 and a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Connecticut in 1970. Mr. Brandewie was twice awarded the Presidential Rank Award of Meritorious Executive (in 1997 and in 2002); has twice been the recipient of the Secretary of Defense Medal for Meritorious Civilian Service, and was awarded the Secretary of Defense Exceptional Civilian Service Award. Mr. Brandewie was selected as a career member of the Senior Executive Service in May of 1993.
Dr. Brewer is an acknowledged expert in the Common Criteria, having helped to write the ITSEC/ITSEM, and BS 7799-2, the standard for Information Security Management, which he also helped to write. He has applied both of these standards in a wide range of business sectors, most notably in the area of GlobalPlatform smart cards His current research interests include the use of both standards in support of corporate governance, which in the smart card arena requires addressing business risk in multi-actor paradigms and other off-card issues.
Head of Unit, D4 - ICT for Trust and Security
DG Information Society - European Commission
Jacques Bus, born in the Netherlands in 1947, studied Mathematics at the University of Amsterdam and obtained his PhD with a thesis in Numerical Mathematics. He worked as a researcher at CWI (Amsterdam) for 15 years. In 1988 he joined the European Commission services in the Unit for Computer Integrated Manufacturing in the Esprit programme. Since then he has been responsible for programme wide operational and organisational affairs in the Esprit and IST programme and for Informatics support in DG Information Society. From June 2000 till March 2004 he was Head of the Unit Software Technologies and Distributed Systems in the IST programme, which included the coordination of activities on Open Source Software within the IST programme, as well as the Preparatory Action on Security-related research. From March 2004 he has taken responsibilities for the unit ICT for Trust and Security in the IST Programme, which includes Network and Information System Security, Trustworthy Computing and DRM, Biometrics and Identity management, Critical Infrastructure protection, as well as the tasks related to the Preparatory Action.
GIE - Groupement des Cartes Bancaires CB
Emmanuel CARON has been International Advisor at the Groupement des Cartes Bancaires "CB" since May 2001. He works within the external affairs Department of the company, and is involved in various European projects, like FINREAD, FINREAD Showcase and c-TRAVEL.
He holds a Master Degree in Political Sciences and Journalism from a Swiss University and is also graduated in European Affairs.
Before joining the Groupement des Cartes Bancaires "CB", Emmanuel was during four years European Affairs Manager of the Chamber of commerce and industry of Versailles : he launched projects with the European Commission, to help SME's to improve their international business development. He was also the "Euro expert" of the company.
Professor - Linköpings Universitet, Sweden
Security expert - Sun Microsystems
Germano Caronni (IEEE/ACM/ISOC) received his M. Sc. in CS in 1993, and a Ph.D on QoS based Dynamic Security in 1999, both from ETH Zürich. He was one of the first to invent a process to watermark images, participated in the IETF (IPSEC), led the independent implementation effort for SKIP (secure TCP/IP), and its integration into an adaptive firewall. In 1997, he won the RC5/48 challenge of RSA DSI.
Since 1997, Mr. Caronni is with Sun Microsystems, where he has introduced a novel solution to secure multicasting, worked on authentication frameworks, participated in the design of an overall security architecture for Suns' products, and co-invented the concept of `Public Utility Computing. He is currently a member of the Security Research Group in the Sun Laboratories, and working in the realm of rights management, secure networking and secure storage.
Marc Chancerel joined Gemplus in 1998 and is in charge of the Business Innovation at Gemplus, positioning the Group on new applications and markets. He particularly involved in Multi Media Cards and Trusted Computing. He is also Principal at GemVentures, Gemplus Corporate Venture Fund and holds several Board Seat positions in Investee companies.
Previously he co-founded a digital imaging processing company focusing on digital restoration solutions for motion picture archives. He was also Manager at Deloitte & Touche Paris office in charge of Automotive and Cable-TV.
Emilien Charbonnier joined Gemplus in 1999 and is in charge of the Smart Flash Memory Card Program. Before joining Gemplus, he co-founded an independent software company focusing on telecom software.
Head of the Formal Methods and Security group of Axalto Smart Cards Research. Doctor in Computer Science, she has been working in the smart cards arena since 1999 when she joined the advanced research group of Bull Smart Card & terminals as R&D engineer expert in formal methods. Since 2001, she is charge of the Formal Methods & Security team of Schlumberger (now Axalto), working on the application of formal methods to the security of the smart cards and to Common Criteria certifications. Main activities of the group are the formalization of the Java card platform and its components, the verification of security properties and the Common Criteria evaluation at high levels. She is also member of the Java Card Forum security group and the Global Platform security group.
Technology & Products - Banksys
Dr Pierre Collette started his career doing research in computer science at universities in
Belgium and in the U.K. He then joined CETREL (electronic funds transfert in
Luxembourg) where he was in charge of successively application security and technical
product management. In year 2000, Pierre moved to BANKSYS (electronic funds
transfert in Belgium) as a technical consultant for new business developments. Pierre
participated to EMV chip product definition for Belgian banks and played a major role in
the functional definition and specification of mobile payment solution m-banxafe.
- General Engineer School of Physics- Strasbourg (France)
- Specialization in the fields of physics, biology and artificial intelligence
- Telecommunication D E S S - Sophia Antipolis
- Specialization in the field of smart card
- Join Afiliance WiFi France, under the responsibility of Michel Koenig
Elisabeth Crochon has been working since 1995 in contactless system development as control access in transport field, 3D identification for item management, pressure measurement for biomedical application.
She is now in charge of projects focusing in contactless smart card security.
STMicroelectronics - Proton Technology Division
Joan Daemen is mainly known for his accomplishments in the field of cryptography. Together with Vincent Rijmen he designed Rijndael, which has been selected in a public procedure as "AES", the successor of the encryption standard DES.
Nowadays, Joan works for STMicroelectronics, where he continues his work on cryptography. Within the Smart Card Software Platforms team, he is a.o. responsible for the architecture of the company's multi-application smart card management and personalisation system. Many of his ideas in this field have been incorporated in the recent Global Platform standards.
François Dang Ngoc received his BSc and MSc degrees in Computer Engineering from the University of Paris 6. He is currently a PhD student in the SMIS project of the INRIA Institute, France. His work consists of designing new architectures and algorithms to enforce access control by relying on the use of a secure operating system such as a smart card. He received, with Philippe Pucheral and Luc Bouganim the Silver Award of the e-gate'04 contest organized by Axalto, Sun and ST microelectronics.
John Dixon is Business Development Manager for the Biometrics and TMS320C5000" and OMAP" platforms of products for the Europe and Middle East.
John has two years' business development experience with TI's Semiconductor Group in the DSP sector. Previous to working with TI, balancing both business and technical roles, John has worked internationally in a Management Consultancy capacity and has also held technical Electronic Research positions.
An Irish national, John holds a Degree in Electronics from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland and a Masters of Business Administration from the Smirfit Business School, Ireland.
Security Architect - Oberthur Card System
Jean-Bernard Fischer is currently working as Security Architect at Oberthur Card System. He joined the smart card industry in 1998, after working for 5 years at Thomson Multimedia on PayTV security.
He has worked as cryptographic algorithms developer, lead several advanced development projects, in particular on Elliptic Curves, and managed the crypto team for 3 years.
His current interests are the use of smart card to enable trust in open environments, the protection of multimedia content and the security of cryptographic implementations.
He is member of the 3GPP-SA3 standardisation group and contributes to the Java Card Forum, holds a PhD in Computer Science from University of Paris7 and MSc's in Discret Math and Computer Science .
Alexandre Frey is Senior Software Architect and Project Manager at Trusted Logic and he joined the company in December 1999.
Alexandre graduated from École polytechnique and received a PhD in computer science from the École des Mines de Paris.
Since 2000, Laurent Gauteron has been working at Gemplus as a security architect. As such he has participated in numerous smart card based projects, and is co-author of several patents. He is currently the project leader of a security building block for the next Java card generation.
Prior to joining Gemplus, he was a system developer and consultant in information technology. He holds a one-year postgraduate degree in artificial intelligence from University of Luminy (France).
Director of Strategic Research - Gemplus
speaking as convenor of the Market and Technology WG of EUROSMART
Graduated from "Ecole Centrale de Paris", Marc GEMETO was export manager and then head of the engineering division of a leading company in computerized car park and toll systems.
He joined GEMPLUS in 1996 as Marketing Manager in the emerging business unit division where he developped new smart card market applications in Corporations, Education, metering and also around contactless technology.
He is now heading the Strategic Market Research group of Gemplus at Corporate Level.
Patrick George is a Technology Expert with Gemplus Business Incubation Group, responsible for developing business positioning and for coordinating with technology and business partners in the field of Trusted Computing. In this position, he represents Gemplus at the Trusted Computing Group.
With over ten years extensive experience on smart cards technology and security he has received patents for his contribution to research in smart card operating systems and has participated in the development of specifications for standardization organizations like the Java Card Forum, Global Platform and the PKI Forum.
His prior positions with Gemplus include operational responsibility for Card Management Systems and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) products.
Pierre Girard has 10 years of experience in computer security including six in the smart card industry. Working in Gemplus (world wide leader of smart card based solutions) since 1997, he has participated to numerous projects in many market sectors (banking, GSM, m-commerce, healthcare, &) as a security architect and then as manager of a security experts team. Pierre Girard is also the security task force leader in the Java Card Forum, the organization which is in charge of Java Card specification elaboration.
Pierre Girard is the author of more than 20 international publications in computer security and 21 patents. He holds a PhD from SupAéro and an engineering degree from INSA Toulouse.
Jean-Luc Giraud is currently working as a Consultant and System Architect for smart card technologies at Gemplus. His main focus is on PKI applications that use smart cards. His research interests are the security of smart cards in open environments as well as the issues of trust and secure communications between the different parts of a card-enabled system. He previously worked in the Security Technology Department of Gemplus as a Security Architect to design and review the security of the Gemplus product range. He started working in the card industry 8 years ago as a smart card OS developer for Banking applications. He supports open source technologies and is a regular contributor to the mailing list of the Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment (see Jean-Luc holds an MSc in Computer Science from Ecole des Mines de Paris and a BSc in Physics from Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Physique de Grenoble (ENSPG/INPG).
President of the Java Card Forum
2001- Present Schlumberger Architecture group manager (Cards Louveciennes)
Project : new generations of cards
1997-2001 - Director, Advanced Research (Bull CP8)
Director, Advanced Research for smart cards, terminals. My team was based partly in Louveciennes and in the USA. My mission covered a global responsability for architecture and security in various fields such as hardware, operating systems, languages, tools based on semantics and formal methods. The main objective of the work was to reach bettter time to market, reduce cost, increase performance and security, and so prepare the company to the evolution of the jobs due to the introduction of open platforms and open networks (e-Commerce, e-Business). I coordinated research with Institutes such as INRIA or CNRS. The job implied numerous contacts with the Business unit managers.
I was elected President of the Java Card Forum in April 1997.
1995-1997 - Vice President, Technology and Partnership (MCTI subsidiary of Bull CP8) Based in Washinton DC.
My mission was :
- To be MCTI technical expert and leader in the field of microprocessor card and associated terminals in order to contribute and assist MCTI in reaching and leading a position in these fields.
- To participate in the negociations of marketing, technological and industrial partnerships made by MCTI and to drive them on a technological point of view.
- To give first level support to the marketing team, contribute to its training and help the team to technically define the offer.
- To ensure technical contacts with Visa, MasterCard, CitiBank, MicroSoft, Sun, Netscape.
My achievements were:
- The negotiation and development of the Visa Viewer
- The contribution to the group which defined the VIS specifications (Visa)
- The foundation with MicroSoft of the PC/SC group to connect terminals and smart cards
Electronic benefits transfer applications development and installations ( cards, terminals and solution)
- My participation in the Government Services Administration Specification.
1983-1994 -Terminal R&D Director ( Bull CP8) - France and Spain
I had to manage 45 persons - My responsability covered hardware, software, industrialisation, and PC software and tools to handle these terminals.
My mission also covered POS and EFT POS for France.
Achievements: this unit issued more than 500 000 terminals worldwide. with 30% of benefits as an average.
Spirtech is an independent engineering and design company, expert in the fields of smart cards, cryptography and contactless technology (ISO 14443 and Calypso). As a member of the European project SINCE, Spirtech participated in the elaboration of a survey on the contactless smart cards technology and applications.
Philippe has over 15 years of experience in the electronic transaction business. Prior to joining Spirtech, Philippe has held senior positions in high-tech research, engineering and manufacturing by Logicam, Innovatron and Ingenico with a strong focus on hardware and software development processes and teams co-ordination in international environment.
President - MMCA MultiMediaCard Association
Juergen Hammerschmitt , age 64, is president of the MMCA MultiMediaCard Association. He has been involved with semiconductor memory cards at Infineon for over 15 years, including responsibility for introducing Smartcards into Germany in 1998 (German Telecom and health card pass).
In 1993 he started the representation of Siemens Chipcard in the USA with design in for prepaid cards at Bell Canada, US West; GTE; and a cooperation with the major credit card companies on the introduction of smart cards.
In 1998 , he became responsible for the MultiMediaCard products at Infineon, which was a founding member of the MultiMediaCard Association. He subsequently founded Ingentix, a joint venture between Infineon and Saifun of Israel to develop, produce and market Flash cards, which in 2003 became Infineon Technologies Flash.
In 2004 Mr. Hammerschmitt has started his own business for marketing consultancy and has been elected President of the MMCA . This Standards organisation currently has 150 members who are working on Standards for this exciting Media including security features.
Director of Gemplus Global Services - Gemplus
Dr. Hai-Tao HU is director of Gemplus Global Services for Greater China region. He got his Master Degree in telecommunication from Nanjing Institute of Technology in 1985. He earned his Ph.D. in digital image analysis applied to computer version from Université de Joseph Fourier at Grenoble, France, in 1991. From 1991, he worked as senior
software engineer and project leader in several French companies involved in image and signal processing, real time and industrial embedded systems. He joined Gemplus R&D centre at Marseille in 1996 as project leader for some smart card operating system projects. In 1999, he moved to Gemplus China as R&D manager. He is currently leading a team focusing on customer oriented solutions enabled by smart card for wireless communication.
Vice President, Products and Technology Division - Visa International
- Visa International 5 years mainly in smart card standards development
- Vice Chair GlobalPlatform Systems Committee
- B. Science degree University of Kentucky
- MBA University of Pretoria
- Co-author of Leading the Way to standardize Smart Card Personalization
Card Forum International Sep / Oct 2003
Michael Hutchinson, BSc (Digital Systems), graduated from Sunderland Polytechnic, Sunderland, Tyne and Wear in 1987. He joined Schlumberger in 1988 working in the RMS division located in Felixstowe, UK and has experienced both engineering and management roles within the R&D section of the company. He joined the Axalto R&D team in Austin in 2001. Michael Hutchinson's interests include system architecture and design, application and embedded software, middleware, telecommunications, real-time systems, and security.
NTTDATA Corporation Research & Development
Naohisa Ichihara has been working as a Research Engineer since 1994, mainly dedicated to the area of smart card technology and security. His primal activities focus on the design and development of smartcard security architectures as well as the security evaluation methodologies based on Common criteria.
He has an experience to be registered as a supportive staff in Electronic Commerce Security Technology Research Association (ECSEC), which is an accreditated evaluation laboratory of CC under the authority of the Minister for Economy Trade and Industry (METI) in Japan.
Senior Director for Security Software Strategy - Infineon Technologies AG
Ioannis Kabitoglou (33) is Senior Director for Security Software Strategy within Infineon's Secure Mobile Solutions division.
He has been with Infineon (prev. Siemens Semiconductor Group) since his graduation from the Technical University in Munich, where he majored in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology. Prior positions within Infineon include Director Business Planning & Analysis within the Security&ChipCard ICs division, Product Marketing Manager Application Processors within the Wireless Systems division and Core Marketing Manager 32-bit Cores & DSPs within the Cores & Modules Division.
Technical Director and Card Committee Chair - GlobalPlatform
Marc Kekicheff has over thirteen year's experience in the smart card technology industry and has two roles at GlobalPlatform Consortium, the cross industry organisation promoting a standardised technical framework for multiple application smart cards: Technical Director and Chair of the organisation's Card Committee.
Marc's main role with GlobalPlatform is to drive forward the development of GlobalPlatform specifications, and other open standards. He also acts as a central liaison co-ordinating the efforts of GlobalPlatform's five committees (marketing, planning, card, device and systems) and its working groups, ensuring that all elements of smart card solutions developed are interoperable and that backward compatibility with previous releases is maintained.
Marc joins GlobalPlatform from Visa International in California, where, as Vice-President of Emerging Technologies, he is responsible for designing, developing and implementing open standards in a multi-application, cross industry environment. Indeed, Marc together with a team of experts has been a key architect and inventor of the GlobalPlatform standard, which has been transferred to GlobalPlatform Consortium for management and evolution.
Marc has also actively participated in the original design of Java Card Specification. Following the publication of version 2.0 in November 1997 and its subsequent releases, all major industry leaders, representing 98% of the chip-card industry worldwide, have licensed Java Card from Sun Microsystems.
A native Frenchman, Marc moved to California from Cartes Bancaires, where he headed up the Terminals and Software Applications department in 1994. In that position, Marc was in charge of upgrading the entire French terminal base to chip technology during the French smart card program roll-out in 1990-1992.
Computer and Automation Research Institute - Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Zoltán Kincses is doing his PhD in the security area concentrating on smart cards.
He has a security course in the university of Eötvös Loránd, and he also has many students working on various small projects.
He also jumped into the commercial world for a while, working on smart cards and consulting the smart card plans of the government.
He is smart card expert of the Hungarian Smart Card Forum and juridical expert of the Ministry of Justice.
He is working for Computer and Automation Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences in the CERT.HU team.
Associate Professor - University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (ESSI)
Doctor in Mathematics
Doctor in Computer Sciences
Works with smart cards since 1996, with one of the first Javacard (Cyberflex from Schlumberger),
Developed the first training course on Javacard for Schlumberger's clients
Teaches courses on smart cards in University of Nice since 1998
Leaded the Wireless Wallet project for Ericsson
Leaded the WiFiKi system project for Afiliance WiFi-France
Is involved in the MEDEA project about the Super Secure Multi Media Smart Card
Wireless Wallet Project:
Started in 1998 with Ericsson and ESSI. Portable smart card reader (smart car wallet size) Bluetooth enable for secure payment using a mobile phone. Prototypes were presented in CEBit 1999, 2000 and 2001. Tested by Deutsch Bank, Banco Bilbao and France Telecom. Project stopped due to economical reasons.
WiFiKi system:
Authentication and payment system based on smart cards for WiFi hot spots.
MEDEA project:
Next generation smart card with large internal flash memory and other advanced features to handle DRM and healthcare applications. Responsible for DRM demonstrator.
Research Architect - Gemplus Systems Research Labs
Laurent Lagosanto is a Research Architect in the Gemplus Labs, he holds
a Masters Degree in Computer Science at University of Luminy, Marseille,
France. He builds an expertise in Java (ME to EE), Embedded Systems,
Object-Oriented Software Architecture.
Before joining Gemplus in early 2000, he was Software Consultant in GFI
Informatique, for development missions like porting Java to POS Terminal
and developing application for it, or for consulting missions for
companies like Dassault Aviation (Java on avionic board systems).
He joined Gemplus Systems Research Labs in year 2000 and since then
participates to Java Card Forum specification (Framework and Execution
task forces contributor, for Java Card RMI for 2.2). He is now focused
on Java Card 3.x and leads Architecture work for a next generation Java
OS for smart card-like devices.
Research and Development Engineer - Trusted Logic
Carolina Lavatelli joined Trusted Logic in April 2000 as Research and Development engineer. Her activities concern Common Criteria security, semi-formal and formal modelization methodologies, security analysis of embedded applications and mobile devices and security implementation guidelines for secure smart card applications.
Carolina Lavatelli obtained her PhD in Computer Science at University of Paris VII in 1996 and pursued her research activities through an ERCIM fellowship at INRIA-Roquencourt on 1997/98. From 1991 to 1997, she was Teaching Assistant at the Universities of Paris VII and Cergy-Pontoise.
Bruno LEGEARD received the M.Sc. and a Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science
from INSA Lyon in 1984 and 1987 respectively. He joined CR2A (software industry) in 1987 where he was in charge of a department (Artificial Intelligence).
Since 1995, he is a Professor of Computer Science at theUniversity of Franche-Comté, Besançon, France. He leads the Software Testing and Formal Method group at LIFC and is one of the authors of the BZ-Testing-Tools test generation method. He has strong experience in applying automated test case generation from specifications in the area of critical software. In 2003, he co-founded Leirios Technologies, a company dedicated to develop and market tools for automated test generation from specifications.
Education and qualifications:
- University of applied Science Berlin and Wolfenbüttel (B.Sc.)
- Technical University Braunschweig (M.Sc.)
- Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg (PhD)
Professional experience:
since 2004 Assistant of board at Giesecke & Devrient
2001 - 2004 Head of Department of New Technologies at Giesecke & Devrient
1998 - 2001 Professor at the University of applied sciences Magdeburg
1994 - 1998 Pichler Engineering GmbH in Munich, Germany
1992 - 1994 ILF, Consulting Engineers in Munich, Germany
1984 N EAG in Vogtei, Germany
1980 - 1981 Siemens AG in Braunschweig, Germany
Mr List is an acknowledged expert in security and audit of business application systems. He was a Partner in KPMG. He is part of the team dealing with the development of the 7799 family of standards and developed PPs under the Common Criteria for accounting applications. He has applied his knowledge in a number of client situations. Presently he is researching ways to embed information security into business Internal Control systems. He is chairman of the British Computer Society's security expert panel.
Marc Loutrel is currently doing his PhD at the University Pierre & Marie Curie (Paris, France) where Pr Guy Pujolle is his advisor.
He holds a Master's in Engineering from the University of Technology of Troyes (UTT, France).
His current interests are security in wireless networks and the integration of smart cards in ubiquitous computing.
Dr. Karen Lu is a principal engineer at Axalto. Her research interests include smart cards communications, networking and security. She has seven patents and has published over 30 papers in various research fields.
Alan is one of the founders of Calton Hill Ltd, the first company to specialise in developing STIP applications software. He has served on the STIP Consortium committees for three years and currently acts as Editor of the STIP/GPD specifications. He is also the author of the User Guide for the STIP/GPD technology and of the STIP/GPD compliance Test Plan.
Alan has spent over 20 years in the software development industry, fulfilling a number of roles including developer, designer, architect and project manager. Prior to the founding of Calton Hill, he spent a number of years developing payments applications for ATMs.
Associate Professor of Software Engineering - University of Malaga
Antonio Maña received his PhD degree in Computer Engineering from the
University of Malaga, where he is currently Associate Professor of Software
Engineering in the Computer Science Department. His current research activities
include security and software engineering, information and network security,
application of smart cards to digital contents commerce, software protection,
Digital Rights Management and mobile applications. He has been technical
manager in several EU funded research projects. He regularly participates in the
organization of research events.
With more than 17 years experience in the IT Industry, he started to work in the 3M European Labs as a Product Engineer, then joined the European R&D center of the Océ group as Development Manager for digital printing technologies. Then, he moved to IER as expert for travel documents for the Air Transport industry. He was then an active member of IATA and AIM working groups for auto-ID applications, barcode and RFID technologies. He joined Gemplus in 1998 as Marketing & Product Manager for RFID applications, moved to R&D Corporate Innovation and finally took over the responsibility of Cooperative R&D Programs for Gemplus in year 2002. He holds an Engineering degree in Polymer Chemistry & Electronics Materials from ENSCT (Toulouse) in 1987.
Dr Michel MARTIN has been working since 1985 in the field of surface science and technology. He joined HEF R&D in 1990 as research engineer in physical vapour deposition (PVD) coating, surface analysis and also process transfer. In 1994, he was in charge of the microbattery transfer from ENSCPB (Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie Physique de Bordeaux) and since he worked as a research engineer and project leader for several studies related to microbatteries. He is the microbattery research lab manager.
Sébastien Martinet has been working since 7 years in battery R&D with a first experience with Saft in alkaline battery research and lithium development concerning safety. He is now working on the development of new high power miniature lithium battery exhibiting very short charging times. Since beginning 2004, he is the head of the "lithium batteries" team in the CEA-Grenoble.
Geoffroy Montel works as a project manager for the R&D division of France Telecom. He focuses on the hardware and middleware security solutions that will bring some new high value services on mobile terminals and home gateways. In that sense, he takes part to the Mobile Committee of the STIP Consortium, now Global Platform - Device Committee.
Michael Montgomery is an inventor at Axalto. He holds eighteen patents for his work in communications and smart cards, and has published over 100 papers. His inventions have won the Chairman award, the Sesame award, the Nexus award, the Linux Journal award, the 'Performed by Schlumberger' award, and 3 Best Paper awards. He is currently working on next-generation Smart Card products.
Bernard Morvant has joined Ingenico in January 2001 and is currently vice president corporate development and partnership.
Based in Paris, his primary responsability is to develop a strategy to identify global partners who will take advantage of the Ingenico secure transaction terminal products, technologies and services to create new business offerings.
In addition to this strategy, Bernard Mordant also manages the strategic relationships with the global card associations like Visa and Mastercard as well as JCB and American Express. He is also responsible of the EMV strategy of the group Ingenico.
From 1995 to 2000, Bernard Morvant held several positions with Visa International in Foster City, California in the area of product development for consumer products. In his latest position, he was responsible for the creation and management of the Visa Smart partner program.
Before joining Visa International, Bernard Morvant worked for Gemplus, Gemenos, and France from 1989 to 1995 where he acquired an extensive knowledge of the smart card industry on a global basis.
Bernard Morvant started his career in the card industry as a sales engineer with the company Sligos specialized in software development and processing services for the financial industry.
Bernard graduated from the Institut d'Administration des Entreprises, University of Lyon in 1980 with a MBA in Marketing and International Business.
He has been also elected as a member of the steering committee of Eurosmart, the smart card industry association.
Hitachi Central Research Laboratory
Masanori Oikawa is an assistant researcher in the Intelligent System Research Department at Hitachi's Central Research Laboratory. His research interests include distributed information systems. Oikawa received B.E. and M.E. degrees in electrical engineering from Tokyo University of Science in 1999 and 2001, respectively.
Jean-Claude Pailles is an engineer in France Telecom R&D.
He is a senior manager, expert of security and electronic payment transactions.
He is involved in various actions related to standardisation, European projects, and service developments.
Pierre Paradinas is Professor at Cnam (Paris) and owned the "chair of Embedded and Mobile Systems".
He received a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Lille (France) in 1988 on smart cards and health application.
He was one of the Biocarte founders; this company was involved in the design, development and distribution of patient cards.
Pierre Paradinas joined Gemplus in 1989, and was successively researcher, internal technology audit, Advanced Product Manager and launched the card based on Data Base engine (CQL), Director of a common research lab with universities and National Research center (RD2P). He set up the Gemplus Software Research Lab in 1996. He was also appointed technology partnership Director in 2001 and based in California until June 2003.
He was the Gemplus representative in W3C, ISO/AFNOR, Open Card Framework and Java Community Process, co-editor of the part 7 of ISO7816, director of the European funded project Cascade project where the first 32-Risc microprocessor with Java Card was issued.
owns 18 years of experience in smart cards technology and is deeply involved in the technology and research of smart cards, as program committee member (Chair of the CARDIS'04) and expert for European Commission and French government.
Director of Business Development and Technology for the Smart Cards, IT and Public Sector division - Axalto
Neville Pattinson is the director of Business Development and Technology for the Smart Cards, IT and Public Sector division of Axalto, a Schlumberger company, in North America. Managing a team that handles all business development, field marketing and technical support matters relating to smart cards and their application to information technology and public sector opportunities.
Pattinson is an ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP). He is a member of the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP). Pattinson is a Board Member of the International Biometric Industry Association (IBIA) and Chairman/Secretary for OpenCard Consortium.
Previously he was director of Technical Support for Mobile Communications at Schlumberger.
Immediately prior to this appointment, Pattinson was the Program Manager responsible for obtaining the first ever FIPS 140-1 Level 2 certification for the JavaTM-based Schlumberger Cyberflex* Access Smart Card and its integration in the Department of Defense Common Access Card program. He was also responsible for the introduction of Cyberflex Access and accompanying middleware into the Schlumberger-wide corporate smart card-based PKI.
Pattinson joined Schlumberger in 1986, where he worked on utility pre-payment meters, tokens and systems. He was director of product development for three product development centers in England, Scotland and South Africa. In 1997, he was transferred to the Schlumberger Austin Product Center to join the Java Card team.
A British national, Pattinson spent two years working for Standard Telephones & Cables on PCM telecommunication transmission systems. He installed the first system in New Zealand. He holds seven patents related to metering, prepayment and smart cards, and has published several papers on related security matters.
Pattinson graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Electronic Engineering from Leicester Polytechnic in England in 1984.
Chief Executive Officer - Axalto
President - Eurosmart
Olivier Piou has been a general manager and member of the board of directors of Axalto since February 17, 2004. Olivier Piou, who began his career at Schlumberger, held various technical, operational and marketing management positions within Schlumberger, in connection with the Schlumberger's various activities in France and in the United States, from 1981 to 1993. From 1994 to 1997, he was Technical and Marketing Director for the Schlumberger's Electronic Transactions business. From 1998 to 2000, he was president of Schlumberger's Smart Cards division. From 2001 to 2004, he was president of Schlumberger's Volume Products and Global Market Segments businesses. Olivier Piou graduated from the Ecole Centrale de Lyon. Olivier Piou is also president of Eurosmart, the international non-profit organization, based in Brussels, which represents the smart card industry worldwide.
INRIA Rocquencourt, University of Versailles
Philippe Pucheral is a full professor at the University of Versailles, currently in secondment at INRIA Rocquencourt where he is heading the SMIS (Secured and Mobile Information Systems) research team. He obtained a PhD in computer science from the University of Paris 6 in 1991. He (co-)authored more than 50 conference and journal papers, 3 international patents, 4 books and was the co-recipient of 3 awards (EDBT'92, VLDB'2000 and e-gate'2004). His domain of interest covers database systems, database components embedded on chips (smart cards), data encryption, smart card based data protection models (preservation of data confidentiality and privacy, intellectual property and DRM, parental and teacher control). More generally, the research activity of the SMIS team (12 people) focuses on ubiquitous data management and data confidentiality.
Marc Renaudin received the Engineering and PhD. degrees in microelectronics and signal processing from the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, France, respectively in 1987 and 1990. From 1990 till 1998, he served as an assistant professor at Telecom Bretagne, France, a Graduate School of Telecommunications Engineering where he was in charge of the Grenoble entity. In 1995, he spent half a year as a visiting professor in Prof. A. Martin's team at the Computer Science Department of the California Institute of Technology, USA. In 1998, he joined INPG/ENSERG in Grenoble where he became a Professor. He is currently heading the Concurrent Integrated Systems Group at Tima Lab developing research on asynchronous system design. He is lecturing on high performance computer architecture, asynchronous VLSI design and hardware modelling and synthesis.
He led in collaboration with France Telecom R&D and STMicroelectronics the Mica and Micabi projects on the design of a CISC 8 bit asynchronous microprocessor integrated in a contactless smart card IC using an on-chip antenna. He moreover managed the ASPRO project, a standard-cell QDI 16-bit RISC asynchronous microprocessor. He has numerous technical publications and has served as a reviewer for IEEE JSSC, Trans. on VLSI, Trans. on Computers, Micro, ASYNC, ESSCIRC, VLSI. He also took part as member in the program committee of ASYNC, ESSCIRC and DATE.
His current research interests include the design of secure chips, resistance against timing, power and fault attacks (especially crypto processors and coprocessors such as DES and AES). He is concurrently developing the TAST tool suite, a CAD framework devoted to the specification, verification and synthesis of asynchronous circuits.
Since 1998 : Research Engineer at the CEA's Grenoble Center
- developing power sources for portable applications and micro-systems (smart cards, microsensors) : microbatteries, Li batteries, &
- working on innovative processes for implementing lithium batteries with specific architecture
Since 1995 to 1998 : Research Engineer at the CEA's Rhone Valley Research Center (Bagnols/Ceze)
- developing incineration processes for solid waste
- understanding physical and chemical incineration mechanisms by using thermochemical and kinetics software
Since 1990 to 1995 : Research Engineer at the Process and Electrochemical Research Center (Grenoble)
- developing an electrochemical process to handle particle matter rich in ZnCl2 by electrolysis in molten salt medium
- teaching at Grenoble in the University Joseph Fourier and in the National School of Electrochemistry and Electrometallurgy of Grenoble
Since 1985 to 1990 : PhD in Materiels Science and Engineering (National Polytechnical Institute of Grenoble)
"Behavior of a Ni-based single crystal superalloy CMSX-2 at high temperature"
1985 : Engineering graduate of the National School of Electrochemistry and Electrometallurgy of Grenoble.
Bruno Rouchouze, mathematics applied and computer engineer, obtained a thesis in image processing at CNRS in 1995. He integrated the Gemplus Group in 1997.
He manages the Information Security Group whose principal missions are: infrastructure security in prudent product engineering, threat analyses and flaw identification, and FIPS & Common Criteria evaluations. Bruno's group is also in charge of corporate Java Card & J2ME security researches & developments, and has consulting missions about security (MIPD1&2, JSR177, CC, FIPS, obfuscator, etc.). Concerning certifications based on Common Criteria, his group obtained a first Common Criteria Evaluation in the world for EA1+ & EAL5+ for Java Card, EAL4 for native OS, and EAL4 augmented with AVA_VLA.4 for a smart card.
Bruno is engaged in different international working groups concerning security evaluations. He is also Chairman of the Eurosmart Security Working Group and convenor of International Smart card Certification Initiatives (ISCI).
Mr. Orestes Sanchez Benavente holds a Computer Science Engineer Degree from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). He joined Telefónica I+D as a Software Engineer at IP Network Services department, where he was involved in several projects related to IP Network Access Services developed in Spain and deployed in Spain and other countries of South America. He participated in architecture design of access solutions (RADIUS, LDAP, Access servers,&) in Telefónica's IP networks: UNOIP and RIMA networks. He was involved as Project Manager in several projects for Group Telefonica's companies in the area of access control and authentication and authorization. He is interested in biometric authentication and its integration in network services. Nowadays he is co-ordinator of BioSec Integrated Project (IST-2002-1766), a research project of the 6th Framework Programme of the European Union dealing with biometrics and security.
Akiko Sato is a researcher in the Intelligent System Research Department at Hitachi's Central Research Laboratory. Her research interests include distributed information systems. Sato received B.E. and M.E. degrees in mathematical engineering and information physics from the University of Tokyo in 1996 and 1998, respectively.
NIST Department of Commerce - US Government
Before joining the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Information Technology Laboratory (ITL) Computer Security Division (CSD) in 2001, Ms. Teresa Schwarzhoff served in various Government computer-related positions in the Department of Defense (DoD), most recently in the Access Card Office, the office responsible for implementing smart-card technology throughout DoD. Ms. Schwarzhoff continues to work in the smart card arena in her position at NIST/ITL/CSD, specifically in the areas of smart card standards. She is the Chair of the ANSI InterNational Committee for Information Technical Standards (INCITS) B10 Smart Card Interoperability Ad Hoc. ANSI/INCITS B10 is the U.S. Technical Advisory Group to ISO SC17. She holds a B.B.A. degree from the University of Texas at San Antonio, and an M.S. degree from St. Mary's University.
Professor - Linköpings Universitet, Sweden
Nahid Shahmehri received her PhD degree in the area of programming environments at Linköping University in 1991. In 1994, her research interest moved towards intelligent information systems, concerned with proposing principles, methods and tools for engineering advanced information systems tailored to future information society. Current projects focus on security and services for e-society, trust in middleware for peer-to-peer-based applications, and representation of processes in internet-based workflow systems, electronic assistive technology for elderly people.Since 1998 she is full professor in Computer Science at Linköping University. She is also Elected Chair for the IEEE Chapter for Computer/Software Engineering for the Swedish Section, and the program director for ECSEL, Excellence Center in Computer Science and Systems Engineering in Linköping.
Institute of Automation of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Miss Hua SHAO is a graduate student for Master Degree in Computer Science and Systems Engineering at the Institute of Automation of Chinese Academy of Sciences. She earned her Bachelor Degree in 1999 from University of Science and Technology of China. Her research interests are in smart card application design, object-oriented design, smart card-based mobile E-commerce. She currently acts also as an intern for her research project in Gemplus at Beijing.
Vice President and Chief Security Officer - Ingenico
John Sheets is the Vice President and Chief Security Officer of Ingenico, the world leader in secure payment and transaction systems. Mr. Sheets has been in the card payments industry for nearly 20 years, with key positions held at Ingenico and VeriFone. Mr. Sheets is the chair of ANSI ASC X9F6 Cardholder Authentication and ICCs standards working group and the acting convenor for the ISO TC68/SC6/WG6 Banking, Securities and Other Financial Services, Retail Financial Services, Security in Retail Banking working group. Mr. Sheets has four security patents and has lived and worked in Europe as well as through out the US. Mr. Sheets also holds a Certified Information Systems Security Professional Credential. Mr. Sheets' career began at TRW Space and Technology Group, designing satellite test systems. Mr. Sheets is a graduate of the Univeristy of Hawaii with a degree in computer sciences.
Xiyu Shi is a Research Fellow at the University of Surrey, UK. Prior to that he was a visiting Researcher at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK. He got his MSc in Communication and Electronic Systems from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China in 1989, and his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Cranfield, UK in 2002. His research interests are Ad Hoc network, QoS and network security.
Smart Card Product Development Director - STMicroelectronics
Graduated in Microelectronics and Computer Science in 1982 from Institut Superieur d'Electronique du Nord (ISEN).
Held Semiconductor design position with Fairchild Semiconductor before joigning STMicroelectronics in 1985.
Responsible for various design activies within the smartcart organisation since then. Currently Director of Product development (Silicon circuit design) for the Smartcart division at ST.
Professor - Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris)
Jacques Stern is a former student of the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) in Paris and has received a Ph.D. from the Université Paris 7 in 1975. He is currently a professor at the ENS and the head of Computer Science Department.
He is an expert in cryptography, the author of over one hundred publications, and the holder of ten patents.
He has been program chair for Eurocrypt 99 and an invited speaker for Eurocrypt 03. In 2003, he was awarded the "Prix Lazare Carnot" by the French Academy of Sciences. He is a member of several committees advising the French government. He has also served as a consultant for various firms and organizations.
Thorsten Stremlau is IBM's EMEA PCD Security Consultant. This role focuses on implementation of security solutions for client systems such as PC's and other personal mobile devices. As a basis for a trusted PC environment, IBM's PCD products use an integrated TPM (Trusted Platform Module). Customer implementations range from SMB to LE across all sectors. He has been at IBM sine 1997 and has worked as a server specialist and head of European technical support training. Prior to that, he worked at KLAIN Büromöbel GmbH as IT Manager, where he implemented an ERP CRM and SCM solution for production management and restructured allocation of orders for faster order confirmation and delivery. He also has served in the German Federal Armed Forces as Base Security Squadron Leader, where he conducted security audits in all sensitive military areas. He holds a BA - Industrial Manufacturing and Finance - Lohne, Germany.
After obtaining his Ph.D., Peter Sweeney spent eight years in industry before joining the University of Surrey in 1983.
He is now a Reader in the Centre for Communication Systems Research. His research areas are communications signal processing, error control coding, watermarking and data security.
Ms. Tivadar-David is Business Development Manager at M-Systems Data Trust Business Unit - managing its Business Development and Marketing activities worldwide.
Before joining M-Systems, Mrs. Tivadar-David was Business Development Consultant and Consulting Project Manager at "Fantine Group", Israel's leading consultancy firm for high-tech companies wanting to develop their business in European markets. Defined business development strategies, overlooked implementation, lead consultants' teams and managed clients.
Ms. Tivadar-David is an Honors (HBA) degree holder in Business Administration from the Richard Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario in Canada.
Director, Industrial Relations, Central Marketing Department - Axalto
- Engineering diploma frome the French "Ecole Nationale de techniques Avancées" (Paris, 1976)
- Ph.D in Mathematics (Paris 1979)
- "Agrégation de Mathématiques" (Paris, 1980)
Current Occupation:
Director, Industrial Relations, Central Marketing Department, Axalto
Former Positions:
- R&D Manager, SchlumbergerSema Smart-Cards (March 2001-February 2002)
- Vice President, R&D and Technical Support, Bull CP8 (November 1999-February 2001)
- Vice President, Smart-Card Business Unit, Bull Smart-Cards and Terminals (June 1996-October 1999)
PhD student, Linköpings Universitet, SwedenEduard Turcan received his M.S. degree in Information and Communication Interactivity in 2001 at Linköping University, Sweden. Currently he is a PhD student at Linköping University, laboratory for Intelligent Information Systems.His research interest is concentrated around the issues of security in peer-to-peer networks, Digital Rights Management for content and software distribution, trusted hardware technology for security services and DRM.
Professor - Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Télécommunications (ENST)
He graduated from Ecole Centrale de Lyon, and received a PHD in computer science. His main research interests include security, especially for wireless networks and distributed computing architectures. He holds twelve patents and a number of publications in these domains. He designed an internet smartcard technology, that won two industrial awards, Best Technological Innovation at cartes'2000 and Most Innovative Product of Year at Advanced Card Award 2001.
Pascal collaborates in several industrial committees like the Javacard Forum or the WLAN smartcard consortium. He participates in various RNRT or RNTL research projects, for example MMQOS, EPIS or ARSENE.
Chairman of the Board - SIMalliance
Philippe Vallée is the Chairman of the Board of SIMalliance since October 2003. In this position within SIMalliance, he is strongly committed to enhance and promote the role of the SIM with telecom operators, application developers and handset manufacturers.
Since February 2002, Philippe Vallée is also President of the Telecom Business Unit of Gemplus.
Philippe has 12 years of experience in the smart card industry and has worked with Gemplus in various marketing, product management and sales responsibilities. One of these roles was Executive Vice-President of Gemplus Technologies Asia in Singapore, where he was in charge of all Marketing and Development activities as well as Professional Services operations, for Gemplus Asia Pacific.
Philippe started his career with Matra Communication (now Lagardère Group) in France as a product manager on the first generation of GSM mobile phones.
Philippe has a Bachelor's degree in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering and a Masters of Science in Marketing Management from ESSEC French Management School.
Executive Director - Smart Card Alliance
The Smart Card Alliance is a not-for-profit, multi-industry association of over 100 member firms working to accelerate the widespread acceptance of smart card technology in North America.
He is also a past Executive Board Member for the Alliance, was Senior Project Manager and Solutions Sales Manager for IBM Global Smart Card Solutions and has also held management positions with First Access and Schlumberger.
Apostol Vassilev, PhD (Mathematics), graduated from Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas in 1996. He joined Schlumberger the same year at the Austin Technology Center in Austin, Texas and later joined the Axalto R&D team in Austin. Dr. Vassilev has enjoyed a career in a number of challenging R&D assignments with the company.
Currently, he is a Senior Architect with Axalto's Access Division. His scientific interests are in the fields of computational mathematics, numerical analysis, cryptography, and distributed computing. Dr. Vassilev's research has resulted in numerous publications in leading scientific journals, conference proceedings, patents, and successful software products.
Eric Vétillard is Trusted Logic's Chief Architect, and he joined the company in July 2000.
Before July 2000, Eric Vétillard was Research Engineer, then Java Card Architect for Gemplus, and he was one of the main designers of the Java Card specifications, a joint effort by the smart card industry and Sun Microsystems.
He worked for PrologIA, a small software company, from 1991 to 1997, where he first received his Ph.D. from the Université de la Méditerranée in 1995, and then became Director of Research in the company.
Eric Vétillard is a regular speaker in industrial conferences, such as JavaOne and Cartes, and he has published many technical papers, mostly about Java Card technology and static program analysis tools.
Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Sciences
Professor Dong-Lin WANG, is director of National ASIC Design Engineering Centre of the Institute of Automation of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He has been leading several Chinese National projects in VLSI field. One of the project, analytical system ICRES of integrated circuits, won the second prize of Chinese national science and technology
progress award. His main research interests include the ASICs analysis methodology, architecture, reliability, security and performance; distributed and parallel VLSI processing mechanism and architecture.
BlueZ Secure Systems - IBM Zurich Research Laboratory
BlueZ began work on JavaCard implementations in 1997, including several "firsts", such as the first contactless JavaCard. Thomas Weigold, joined the team in 1999. Thomas has a MSc in Computer Science from Westminster University.
Mariemma I. Yagüe received her PhD from the University of Malaga, where she is currently an associate professor of the Department of Computer Science. Her current research activities focus on authorization, access control, Digital Rights Management and XML metadata. She is member of the CEN/ISSS Digital Rights Management Working Group and participates in the organization of different events.
Hitachi Central Research Laboratory
Mishina Yusuke is a senior researcher in the Intelligent System Research Department at Hitachi's Central Research Laboratory. His research interests include smart card systems and mobile agent. Mishina received B.E. and M.E. degrees in information engineering from Tohoku University in 1984 and 1986, respectively.